Production, marketing and topical articles for the Australian Cotton industry.
Helicoverpa’s resistance to insecticide in the 1990s fueled an intense industry response, which began with the recommendation that growers cultivate their fields while the pest was in diapause in the soil.
Andrew and Cynthia Pursehouse and their eldest son James have recently ‘employed’ a Swarmbot named ‘Mooki’, as their dedicated fallow spot-spraying unit.
Water quality can be a game changer for grain growers. Hard water, which usually contains elevated levels of calcium and magnesium ions, has long been a challenge for growers.
Crop Capsules has won the 2024 Bernard Blum Special Award for its revolutionary CottonCap® technology. The award, presented by the International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA).
On Wednesday 5th February (9am until 12 noon) interested cotton and grain growers and agronomists are invited to an informal morning of field trial walks at Wellcamp, just west of Toowoomba, to showcase some of the current weed research taking place.
The first of the containers of Northern Territory (NT) cotton are nearing their Asian destinations after an event at Darwin Port this week that signified a major step forward for the cotton industry in the Territory – and a second shipment may not be far away!
What looked like a straightforward purchase of a brand new John Deere 616R Self-Propelled Sprayer delivered some surprises for New South Wales grain grower, Richard McKay.
The cotton industry’s 2025 Nuffield Farming Scholarship recipient, Moree-based agronomist Kate Lumber aims to use her opportunity to improve the profitability of the sector through improved resilience and water efficiency.
A new decision-support tool developed to help Australian grain growers weigh up the financial pros and cons of summer weed control has been launched.
Cotton Australia Chair Nigel Burnett and General Manager Michael Murray visited Canberra late August where they were able to brief the new Federal Agricultural Minister Julie Collins on the Australia cotton industry.
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