
Cotton Industry briefs key Ministers in Canberra

Cotton Australia Chair Nigel Burnett and General Manager Michael Murray visited Canberra late August where they were able to brief the new Federal Agricultural Minister Julie Collins on the Australia cotton industry.

Key issues discussed included the industry’s sustainability performance, skill shortages, training opportunities and the importance of maintaining the Working Holiday Visa provisions.

While in Canberra, Cotton Australia also met with Minister Plibersek’s office, where the focus was on discouraging any Federal support for NSW’s Connectivity Review and any subsequent rule changes.

Other meetings were held with the Opposition spokesperson for Water, Senator Perin Davey, and with Members from Cotton electorates.

The visit provided numerous opportunities to brief members of Parliament on the facts surround Monday night’s Four Corners program which focused on cotton in the Northern Territory.

Nigel and Michael also had the opportunity to fully participate in the NFF Leaders’ Summit on Wednesday which brought together Ag leaders and speakers from across the nation focusing on reaching the target of $100B of agriculture production by 2030.

PHOTO: Michael Murray, Federal Agriculture Minister Julie Collins and Nigel Burnett.

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